Working with Us
Incorgnito Publishing Press is currently only accepting submissions in the following genres:
– Children’s Chapter Books
– Adult Fiction (excluding romance and eoritca)
– Adult Non-Fiction
Authors and agents may submit unsolicited work to
Incorgnito Publishing Press for review; please email the following information to
- Your complete bio including any writing awards, list of books written and contact information.
- Any societies, associations, or organizations you belong to or that have recognized your work (not related to books).
- A brief description of your book and brief summary of why anyone would want to read your book.
- The first three chapters of your book.
- Is your book a series? Do you own or control all rights to your work?
After initial editorial review, we will contact you should there be interest in your work. At that time, we may request the complete book. Please note, that we will assign an editor to work with you to develop your book, should we move forward.
Available worldwide from your preferred wholesaler, via your IPG Rep.
For U.S. bulk orders and discounts outside of the retail book trade (organizations, activists, special sales), please contact Incorgnito at:
Rights and Permissions
Rights acquisitions outside of North America are handled by Susan Schulman Agency. Please email:
For permission to reprint part of one of our titles, please email the publisher at:
Incorgnito Publishing Press offers internships to qualified candidates who are interested in publishing, journalism, or marketing. Internships include an end of assignment review for university credit or as defined by your college or university. Please write to or use the contact form.
Current Internships:
Marketing, social media management and newsletter development
These internships can be performed remotely from anywhere within the U.S. and require approximately 10 hours of work for an 8 -12 week period. We can be flexible with work periods to meet requirements.