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The Unpredictability of Being Human

by Linni Ingemundsen

“If I got to be God for one day, I’d like to say I’d end world hunger and create world peace. But I wouldn’t. Because, if God could fix the big stuff, he’d have done it already.”

Meet fourteen-year-old, Malin. She sees the world differently. And, she knows she wouldn’t change much
about her life, even if she got to play God for a day. Because stuff’s okay, mostly. Malin would still be Malin.
She can’t be anybody else.

The Reviews Are In

"Coming-of-age narratives about dysfunctional families and mean girls at school are common, but this is exceptional." 

UK Sunday Times

"lngemundsen's debut features a beguiling heroine at that most tricky stage of metamorphosis, from child to adult. [ ... ] The darkening plot is dramatic without veering into sensationalism, and full of humour and pathos."

UK Financial Times

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