Tales of Whimsy

Tales of Whimsy is a series revolving around a curious orb spider named Whimsy, who will do anything to find the answers she seeks. Throughout the series, Whimsy will have to face her fears, learn about the power of wishes, and teach others the value in humility, friendship, and community, all while discovering her own destiny and part she’s meant to play in the forests of Weyburn.

Read All About The Book AND book two coming in May – The Wayward Wind

Watch the launch video from author J.H. Winter and learn how to crochet Whimsy!

PLUS- this year’s big prize giveaway a Wishgam afghan crocheted by J.H. Winter.




The Wayward Wind

by J.H. Winter

The Wayward Wind is full of surprises, tender moments, and is peppered with humor. Whimsy’s and Flit’s interactions both with each other and with other animals they meet are especially thoughtful.

In addition to being an adorably fun story, there are lessons in overcoming fear, being selfless, and caring for one another, should the grown-ups want to guide their littles down those roads. However, children and grown-ups alike will enjoy reading Whimsy’s story together simply for the delight that it is.



by J.H. Winter

A magical story of friendship, courage, and self-discovery. In the forests of Weyburn, there had always been a Wishweaver—a spider with the magic to grant wishes. However, for many years now, wishes have gone unanswered. But why?

That is the question an orb spider named Whimsy is determined to answer. With the help of her milkweed wisp friend, Flit, Whimsy will go on a journey to the old Wishweaver Oak in search of clues to solve the mystery. But the answers she seeks are buried deep in Weyburn’s past and Whimsy will have to face her deepest fears if she is to change their wish-less future.