Incorgnito Author

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Linni Ingemundsen

Linni Ingemundsen is from Norway, though she currently lives in Malta. She does not know how to draw but is somehow a freelance cartoonist. Some of her favorite things in life include chocolate, free Wi-Fi and her yellow typewriter.

Linni has lived in three different countries and will never be done exploring the world. She has worked as a dishwasher in Australia, a volunteer journalist in Tanzania and has approximately 2.5 near-death experiences behind her. Still, what truly inspires her writing is her background growing up in a village on the south-western coast of Norway.

Linni began writing The Unpredictability of Being Human while on the Oxford Brookes MA in Creative Writing. Her dark, comical storytelling introduces her readers to a small-town community filled with pain, humor and a whole lot of nothingness.

The Unpredictability of Being Human

“If I got to be God for one day, I'd like to say I'd end world hunger and create world peace. But I wouldn't. Because, if God could fix the big stuff, he'd have done it already.”