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Mysterious Monsters, Book Two

by David Michael Slater

With Bigfoot safely stashed in their basement, Maddie, Max, and Theo Mattigan are off to Las Vegas with their dad. His plan is to prove there are no aliens on the loose there. But now that his kids know that Mysterious Monsters are real, they’re making plans of their own. They’ll need clever disguises, well-hidden walkie-talkies – and more than a few broken eggs – to find out, once and for all, what’s hidden in the notorious Area 51.




The Reviews Are In

September 30, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition
Amazon Reviewer

March 13, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition
There is just enough sibling squabbling to keep the dialogue real and just enough suspended belief to allow the story to work.  Kids running loose in a Vegas casino? A child hiding out in the camper while Dad drives to the secret military base? It’s just kooky enough to keep kids interested.  The interactions between the siblings were just right-not too sweet and not too snarky.  This was a fun read for kids who are just starting out with chapter books and doesn’t contain any offensive language or violence. 
Amazon Reviewer

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